Meghalaya Ecotourism: Boosting Sustainable Infrastructure

Meghalaya Ecotourism: Boosting Sustainable Infrastructure
KrangSuri Falls Meghalaya

Meghalaya, a picturesque state nestled in the northeastern part of India, is set to undergo a remarkable transformation in its tourism industry with the implementation of the Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project (MEIDP).

This externally aided project (EAP) is funded by the New Development Bank (NDB) and aims to create cutting-edge infrastructure, sustainable development, and conservation of the state’s natural resources.

Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project

1. The Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project

Meghalaya Ecotourism: Boosting Sustainable Infrastructure
Curvy road on the mountains of Cherrapunjee. road from Shillong to Cherrapunjee in Meghalaya, north east India.

The Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project (MEIDP) is an ambitious endeavor spearheaded by the Meghalayan Age Limited (MAL), a state government company operating under the Planning Department.

As the project management unit, MAL is entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the implementation of this transformative initiative.

The MEIDP aims to construct state-of-the-art infrastructure that will establish Meghalaya as a premier travel destination, attracting tourists from around the world while promoting sustainable development and conservation.

2. Elevating the Tourism Industry to New Heights

One of the primary objectives of the MEIDP is to elevate the tourism industry in Meghalaya to new heights. With the infusion of funds from the NDB, the state will witness the development of comprehensive ecotourism circuits that showcase its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse flora and fauna.

The creation of cutting-edge infrastructure will enhance the overall tourism experience, captivate visitors, and contribute to the state’s reputation as a must-visit destination.

3. Expanding the Tourism Sector for Unprecedented Growth

The expansion of the tourism sector is a key focus of the MEIDP. By generating substantial revenue, the project aims to drive the state’s economy toward unprecedented growth.

The funds allocated to the project will be utilized to develop state-of-the-art infrastructure that complements Meghalaya’s natural beauty. This investment will pave the way for a surge in tourist arrivals, leading to economic benefits for local communities and the state as a whole.

4. Job Creation and Economic Prosperity

The MEIDP not only seeks to enhance the tourism sector but also aims to create employment opportunities, particularly for the youth of Meghalaya.

The development of infrastructure and the subsequent increase in tourist inflow will create a demand for various services, including hospitality, travel services, and local businesses.

By fostering sustainable tourism growth, the project will serve as a catalyst for job creation, contributing to economic prosperity and providing a brighter future for the people of Meghalaya.

5. A Tripartite Collaboration for Sustainable Development

The successful implementation of the MEIDP is the result of a tripartite collaboration between the Government of India, the Government of Meghalaya, and the NDB. This partnership demonstrates a shared commitment to sustainable development and inclusive growth.

The Government of India, recognizing the potential of Meghalaya’s tourism sector, provides 90% of the project funding as grants to the state government, with the remaining 10% borne by the State Government.

This collaboration is a significant step toward realizing Meghalaya’s full tourism potential and positioning it prominently on the global tourism map.


The Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project represents a significant milestone in the state’s journey toward sustainable tourism. By creating cutting-edge infrastructure and emphasizing conservation, Meghalaya aims to attract travelers from around the world while ensuring the preservation of its natural resources.

The project’s implementation will not only boost the tourism sector but also generate employment opportunities, fostering economic prosperity and social development in the state. Meghalaya’s partnership with the NDB and the Government of India showcases a shared vision for sustainable growth, highlighting the state as a premier destination for travelers worldwide.


What is the Meghalaya Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project?

Ecotourism Infrastructure Development Project (MEIDP) is an externally aided project funded by the New Development Bank (NDB) with the aim of creating cutting-edge infrastructure and promoting sustainable tourism in Meghalaya.

Who is spearheading the MEIDP?

The MEIDP is spearheaded by the Meghalayan Age Limited (MAL), a state government company operating under the Planning Department.

How will the MEIDP benefit Meghalaya’s economy?

By attracting tourists and generating substantial revenue, the MEIDP will contribute to the growth of Meghalaya’s economy and create employment opportunities across various sectors.

What sectors will experience job creation through the MEIDP?

The MEIDP will open employment opportunities in sectors such as hospitality, travel services, and local businesses.

What is the significance of the tripartite collaboration in the MEIDP?

The collaboration between the Government of India, the Government of Meghalaya, and the NDB highlights a shared commitment to sustainable development and inclusive growth, paving the way for Meghalaya’s tourism potential to be realized.

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