
Romit Kemprai is a passionate writer and editor hailing from the picturesque town of Haflong, nestled in the heart of Dima Hasao, Assam. With a deep-rooted love for travel coursing through his veins, Romit embarked on a journey of exploration that has taken him to the far reaches of Assam and beyond. A graduate in Arts from Assam University, he has traversed almost every district of his beloved state and ventured into various corners of India astride his trusty bike since 2012.

Despite the demands of a bustling family life with two energetic children, Romit remains undeterred in his pursuit of adventure. Balancing familial responsibilities with an insatiable wanderlust, he carves out precious moments from his busy schedule to pen captivating tales on his blog, Whether it’s capturing the essence of a remote village or unraveling the mysteries of a bustling city, Romit’s words weave a narrative tapestry that beckons readers to embark on their own voyages of discovery.